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          The Sree Narayana College for Women aims at achieving the high ideals of Sree Narayana Guru ie, Sree Narayana Dharma, which stands for 'Enlightenment through Education' and views education as an instrument of socio-economic progress, material advancement and political, moral and ethical development of individuals in the society. It endeavours to mould a humane, intellectually accomplished morally awakened and socially committed set of young women. It was for fulfilling Sree Narayana Guru's call for education especially women's education and their empowerment, that this great centre of learing has been established. As a leading institution for higher education and research for women, the college hopes to develop a holistic attitude towards life which represents a harmonious blend of the material and spiritual aspects. Conscious of its inceptional obligation of imbibing and disseminating the revolutinary ideal of "One Caste, One Religion, One God", the college promotes respect for all religions, which is an essential ingredient of the Indian ethos and culture.

          We believe that, education must be a man making process that acts as an instrument of change. It should be used as a major tool for curing the evils of society. The classrooms should go beyond the traditional role of acting as centres for transmission of knowledge to become centres for character building, which should cover effective learning outcomes like values, interests, attitudes etc. relevant for better understanding and interaction with others in society. Also, we believethat education should have its focus on the development of wholesome human beings. It is our firm conviction that education should promote moral values. It should create in the students the ability to distinguish the right from the wrong. Education is liberation of mind because each individual has immense potential. Education seeks to bring out this potential. Our institution stands for intellectual liberation and our motto is freedom through education.

          The Sree Narayana College for Women a synonym for Excellence in higher education, strives to induce the students to wrest the best out of life by equipping them to build a brilliant career and future. We also try to mould their personality and culture, besides their skill to climb the ladder of success and capacity to win over the obstacles in the onward march of life. Thus the college offers excellence, efficiency and prudence.

          Our college assures the quality of higher education and value orientation by providing (a) quality of content and technique of education (b) qualified teachers (c) modern infrastructure and (d) competent students. It fulfils all the standards of excellence, order and discipline. The students have access to the new frontiers of knowledge in all fields. Our teachers are devoted to scholarship and have the capacity to transfer the knowledge. They can stimulate the minds of the students and invoke in them an abiding interest in the subject. They are committed to their subjects as well as to the students. Thus we envision for our students not only an intellectual adventure in the arena of higher education, but also socially benefical behaviour, co-curricular activities and many laurel winning leadership opportunities and success, in their ventures.

          We take care to expel the darkness of ignorance from the youth by shedding in them the flaming light of true wisdom. The Sree Narayana College for women equips students to develop their inherent talents to enable them to explore the world of new possibilities with the spirit of professional competency, sense of social justice and of self confidence. Our students would also be the symbols of national unity, cultural heritage, freedom and justice following the ideals of Sree Narayana Guru.

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