Date: 03-28 Time: 11:15

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Independence day which falls on 15th of August reminds us that freedom is sacred and that we must ensure that it shall not be endangered. Our college celebrates Independence day every year by hoisting the flag at the flag post in front of the college office by our Principal followed by an address incorporating democratic values of cultural, regional, linguistic and communal harmony. The NCC cadets conducts a parade paying respect to our country's achievements and achievers. The NSS volunteers of our campus take the lead role in organizing programmes to sensitize students on the significance of the day. Varied programmes including Indian classical dances, yoga performances, acrobats, drills and other activities are displayed to showcase the skills of the students. National integration songs are played all along in the campus. Sweets are distributed to all students and staff in the campus. National anthem ends the day's celebrations leaving all in heightened national spirit

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