Date: 03-28 Time: 11:00

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Admissions during the pandemic - as per the Covid protocol

  1. Arrive wearing a mask.
  2. Sanitize hands upon entry.
  3. Submit to a temperature check.
  4. Comply with social distancing norms.
  5. A student can be accompanied by one parent.
  6. Only 50 students will be allowed to enter the campus at a time.

General Instructions

  1. The admission commences soon after the publication of higher secondary and degree results.
  2. Students joining the college incur the liability to pay fees for the whole year. However, if a student after obtaining transfer certificate from one college under the Directorate is admitted to any other college under the Directorate for the same course, she need not pay the fees again as she has already paid for the term to the college which issued the T.C.
    Students will be selected for admission of Master of Arts/Master of Science courses on the basis of the results of the Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Science examinations and according to the rules in force from time to time.
    For selection to the MSc course, the applicants should have secured at least 55% marks in Part III (main and subsidiary subjects together). For SC/ST students the minimum shall be 35% and for OBC students 53%.
    For admission to the MA course the applicants should have secured 45% marks in Part III. For the languages groups those securing 50% marks in Part I English or Part II (for languages other than English) will also be eligible (2% concession in marks will be applicable for OBC students). For SC/ST students the minimum shall be 35% marks. (Vide Lr. No. Adad. L. 4104/R/88 dated 22-8-1988 from the University of Kerala).
    The seats for each courses will be distributed as per the existing pattern below.
    Sl. No.  Seat Reservation Percentage of seats allotted
    1   General Merit 40
    2   Scheduled Caste 15
    3   Scheduled Tribe 5
    4   Community Quota 20
    5   Management Quota 20
    The management quota seats are filled by the management with candidates of its own choice. The academic eligibility of such candidates shall be the same as prescribed for other candidates.
  3. All Candidates must present transfer certificate, from the college they last attended, conduct certificate and course certificate at the time of admission.
  4. Students who had their education outside the territorial limit of the University of Kerala must produce migration certificate from the University at which they last attended and University certificate qualifying them for admission to the course which they wish to undergo.
  5. Students who are admitted after the re-opening date will lose attendance for the days preceding admission and the days lost will be counted as days of absence for reckoning attendance for the year.
  6. No candidate is ever admitted to any of the courses without an interview held in the presence of the candidate's parent/guardian.
  7. All the necessary documents and mark lists are verified and the candidate is admitted after the payment of fees.
  8. At the time of admission, the students are supposed to fill and submit a form given by the anti-ragging cell.
  9. The college office is in possession of authentic and transparent records of the admissions to various courses under various categories.
  10. Applications for transfer certificate should be made to the Principal, with a statement showing the class and group last studied with year and if the certificates are required for joining some other college, the name of that college.
  11. A student applying for transfer certificate or any other certificate from the college office must have cleared all her dues to the college and enclose stamps to cover the postage for sending them to her address by registered post.
  12. A student applying for her transfer certificate must have paid all fees or other dues to the College. If her application for such certificate is not received within one year of leaving the College, she will be liable to pay a penalty fee of Rs.15.
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