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Research Publications

Faculty members with excellent citation records lead the research activities of our college. They always insist the publication of research output in reputed international and national journals. Both students (UG, PG and PhD) and faculties have actively involved getting their research work published.


  1. PoornimaVijayan P, P.G.Chithra, Pinky Abraham, Jesiya SusanGeorge, Hanna J.Maria, Sreedevi T, SabuThomas, Nanocoatings: Universal antiviral surface solution against COVID-19, Progress in Organic Coatings, 2021,
  2. Jesiya Susan George, Poornima Vijayan P, Jibin Keloth Paduvilan, Nisa Salim, Jaka Sunarso, Nandakumar Kalarikkal, Nishar Hameed, Sabu Thomas, Advances and future outlook in epoxy/graphene composites for anticorrosive applications, Progress in Organic Coatings, 162, 106571, 2022
  3. Shibli, S.M.A. Exploration of WO3/BiVO4 composite based hot-dip zinc coating to combat biocorrosion. Material Science and Engineering: B, 271, 115302, 2021
  4. Sharika T. Nair, Poornima Vijayan P., Soney C. George, Nandakumar Kalarikkal and Sabu Thomas, Enhanced mechanical and thermal performance of multiwalled carbon nanotubes-filled polypropylene/natural rubber thermoplastic elastomers, New Journal of Chemistry (RSC), 45, 4963-4976, 2021
  5. Deepa, M.J.; Arunima, S.R.; Elias, L.; Shibli, S.M.A. Development of Antibacterial V/TiO2-Based Galvanic Coatings for Combating Biocorrosion. ACS Applied Biomaterials, 4, 3332-3349, 2021
  6. S R Arunima, M. J. Deepa, Liju Elias, C V Geethanjali, S M A Shibli, Tuning of surface characteristics of composite (WO3/BiVO4) zinc phosphate coatings for industrial applications, Applied Surface Science, 543, 148822, 2021
  7. B. Sureshkumar, Y. Sheena Mary, Y. Shyma Mary, S. Suma, Spectroscopic and DFT investigations of 8 hydroxy quinoline 5 sulfonic acid 5 chloro 8 hydroxyquinoline co-crystal, Chemical Papers, 75, 3387–3399, 2021
  8. Pournami Vijayan P, Poornima Vijayan P, George K. C. and Anoop Chandran, Anomalous Dielectric Behavior in Co-Doped TiO2 Nanotubes: Effect of Oxygen Vacancy Mediated Defect Dipole Pairs, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 10, 113006, 2021.
  9. Balaji Krishnakumar, Debajyoti Bose, Manjeet Singh, RV Sanka, Velidi VSS Gurunadh, Shailey Singhal, Vijay Parthasarthy, Liberata Guadagno, Poornima Vijayan P, Sabu Thomas, Sravendra Rana, Sugarcane Bagasse-Derived Activated Carbon-(AC-) Epoxy Vitrimer Biocomposite: Thermomechanical and Self-Healing Performance, International Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 2021, Article ID 5561755, 7 pages, 2021.


  1. Vijayan, P.P. (2021). Spectroscopy and X‐ray Scattering Studies of Epoxy Composites. In Epoxy Composites (eds J. Parameswaranpillai, H. Pulikkalparambil, S.M. Rangappa and S. Siengchin).  
  2. P. Poornima Vijayan, Sharika T. Nair, Self-Healing Polymer Coatings (Ch 12), in Polymer Coatings: Technologies and Applications. Rangappa, S. (Ed.), Parameswaranpillai, J. (Ed.), Siengchin, S. (Ed.). (2021). Boca Raton: CRC Press, ISBN9780429199226  (Book chapter)
  3. Asha Bhanu A.V, Poornima Vijayan P, Sabu Thomas, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, Debora Puglia, Suchart Siengchin, Aryakrishna L, Aiswarya Manohar, Fabrication of water-resistant epoxy nanocomposite with improved dynamic mechanical properties and balanced thermal and dimensional stability: Study on dual role of graphene oxide nanosheets and barium oxide microparticles, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 617, 2021, 126405
  4. Sharika T. Nair, Poornima Vijayan P., Soney C. George, Nandakumar Kalarikkal and Sabu Thomas, Enhanced mechanical and thermal performance of multiwalled carbon nanotubes-filled polypropylene/natural rubber thermoplastic elastomers, New Journal of Chemistry (RSC), 2021, Advance Article,
  5. Nicolas Augusto Paolini, Alexandre Gonçalves Cordeiro Neto, Alana Cristine Pellanda, Agne Roani de Carvalho Jorge, Bryan de Barros Soares, João Batista Floriano, Marcos Antonio Coelho Berton, Poornima Vijayan P, Sabu Thomas, "Evaluation of Corrosion Protection of Self-Healing Coatings Containing Tung and Copaiba Oil Microcapsules", International Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 2021, Article ID 6650499, 13 pages, 2021.
  6. Alana Cristine Pellanda, Alexandre Gonçalves Cordeiro Neto, Agne Roani de Carvalho Jorge, Marcos Antonio Coelho Berton, João Batista Floriano, Sabu Thomas, Poornima Vijayan P, "Performance Evaluation of Layered Double Hydroxides Containing Benzotriazole and Nitrogen Oxides as Autonomic Protection Particles against Corrosion", International Journal of Polymer Science, vol. 2021, Article ID 6630194, 16 pages, 2021. 
  7.  P. Poornima Vijayan, A.V. Asha Bhanu, S.R. Archana, Anila Babu, Suchart Siengchin, Jyotishkumar Parameswaranpillai, Development of chicken feather fiber filled epoxy protective coating for metals, Materials Today: Proceedings, 41, 2021, 468-472,
  8. Prabha Jyothi P.S., Nisha J. Tharayil, Crystal plane effect on antioxidant efficacy of nanoceria synthesized with assistance of DNA, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, Volume 141, 2020,109421(2020)
  9. Bhaskaran Vilasini VibithaBahuleyan Anitha, and Nisha John Tharayil, Green synthesis of ZnO: CuO nanocomposites by Aloe Barbadansis leaf extract: Structure and photo catalytic properties, AIP Conference Proceedings 2287, 020031 (2020)
  10. Behzad Shirkavand Hadavand, Maryam Jouyandeh, Seyed Mohamad Reza Paran, Reza Khalili, Henri Vahabi, Hamed Fakharizadeh Bafghi, Fouad Laoutid, P. Poornima Vijayan, Mohammad Reza Saeb, Silane‐functionalized Al2O3‐modified polyurethane powder coatings: Nonisothermal degradation kinetics and mechanistic insights. J Appl Polym Sci. 2020; 137:49412.
  11. Renjini Sadhana, Pinky Abraham, and Anithakumary Vidyadhran, Solar Exfoliated Graphene Oxide: A platform for Electrochemical sensing of Epinephrine, Current Anal. Chem., 16(4), 2020, 393-403. DOI: 10.2174/1573411015666190104110928
  12. S.R. Archana, P.S. Arun, B.R. Sreelekshmi, S.M.A. Shibli, Tuning of CeO2-MnO2 nano composite in Al-Zn alloy matrix for effective activation, Materials Science and Engineering: B, 261, 2020, 114768.
  13. Karami, Z.; Paran, S.M.R.; Vijayan P.P; Ganjali, M.R.; Jouyandeh, M.; Esmaeili, A.; Habibzadeh, S.; J. Stadler, F.; Saeb, M.R. A Comparative Study on Cure Kinetics of Layered Double Hydroxide (LDH)/Epoxy Nanocomposites. J. Compos. Sci. 2020, 4, 111.
  14. Jouyandeh, M.; Karami, Z.; Paran, S.M.R.; Mashhadzadeh, A.H.; Ganjali, M.R.; Bagheri, B.; Zarrintaj, P.; Habibzadeh, S.; Vijayan P.P.; Saeb, M.R. Effect of Nickel Doping on the Cure Kinetics of Epoxy/Fe3O4 Nanocomposites. J. Compos. Sci. 2020, 4, 102.
  15. D Devipriya and P M Radhamany,  Pharmacognostic studies on Holostemma ada -kodien Schult root tuber, Journal of Traditional and Folk Practices, 2020, ISSN 2278-5906
  16. Renjini Sadhana, Pinky Abraham, and Anithakumary Vidyadhran, Solar Exfoliated Graphene Oxide: A platform for Electrochemical sensing of Epinephrine, Current Anal. Chem., 16(4), 2020, 393-403.
  17. S R Arunima, Electrochemical characterization of different layers of  hot dip zinc coating, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 36,1370-1378, 2020
  18. S R Arunima, M. J. Deepa, C V Geethanjali, Viswanathan S Saji, S M A Shibli, Tuning of hydrophobicity of WO3-based hot-dip zinc coating with improved self-cleaning and anti-corrosion properties, Applied Surface Science, 527, 146762, 2020
  19. V.S. Sumi, S R Arunima, M. J. Deepa, M. Ameen Sha, A. H. Riyas,  M.S. Meera,  Viswanathan S Saji, S M A Shibli, PANI-Fe2O3 composite for enhancement of active life of alkyd resin coating for corrosion protection of steel, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 247, 122881, 2020
  20. M. J. Deepa, S R Arunima, H. Ramesh,   V.S. Sumi, M. Ameen Sha, A. H. Riyas,  S M A Shibli, Tuning of electrochemical and topographical characteristics for enhancement of anti-corrosion performance of hot-dip TiO2–Zn–(1 %)Al composite coatings, Corrosion Science, 177, 108944, 2020


  1. B. Sureshkumar Y. S. Mary, C.Y. Panicker, S. Suma, S. Armaković, S. J. Armaković, C. V. Alsenoy, B. Narayana, Quinoline derivatives as possible lead compounds for anti-malarial drugs: Spectroscopic, DFT and MD study, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 13(1), 632-648
  2. PSP Jyothi, B Anitha, S Smitha, BV Vibitha, PGA Krishna, NJ Tharayil, DNA-assisted synthesis of nanoceria, its size dependent structural and optical properties for optoelectronic applications, Bulletin of Materials Science 43 (1), 1-7 (2020)
  3. PSP Jyothi, NJ Tharayil, Biosynthesis of nanostructured ceria, its optical and magnetic studies for spintronic applications, AIP Conference Proceedings 2222 (1), 020006 (2020)
  4. Poornima Vijayan P, (2020) Scattering studies of compatibilized polymer blends (Ch11) In: Compatibilization of Polymer Blends, Elsevier, pp-331-347.  ISBN 9780128160060 (Book chapter)
  5. Poornima Vijayan P. (2020) Mechanical Properties of Shape-Memory Polymers, Polymer Blends, and Composites. In: Parameswaranpillai J., Siengchin S., George J., Jose S. (eds) Shape Memory Polymers, Blends and Composites. Advanced Structured Materials, vol 115. Springer, Singapore  (Book chapter)
  6. Pinky Abraham, S Renjini, T E Mary Nancy and V Anitha Kumary, Electrochemical synthesis of thin-layered graphene oxide-poly (CTAB) composite for detection of morphine, J. Appl. Electrochem.,
  7.  Pinky Abraham, S Renjini, V Anitha Kumary and P G Chithra, An electrochemical based on electrodeposited CTAB film on glassy carbon electrode for detection of morphine, Asian J. Chem., 32(1), 137-141 (2020). 
  8.  Pinky Abraham, Renjini S, Poornima Vijayan, Nish V, Krishna Sreevalsan V Anitha Kumary, Review—Review on the Progress in Electrochemical Detection of Morphine Based on Different Modified Electrodes, J. Electrochem. Soc., 167 037559 (2020). DOI: 10.1149/1945-7111/ab6cf6  
  9. Remya A.S. and Annie Abraham. Effect of Oxalis Corniculata in Selenite Induced Cataractogenesis - in vitro. Journal of Science, Technology and Development 9 [2020] 88 – 92 DOI:20.18001.STD.2020.V9I2.20.33315
  10. Nisha Raj.S, S.Sekaran, Aiswarya Manikuttan and Chippy K Mathew 2020. Phytochemistry of the host plant Alstonia venenata R.BR (Apocyanaceae) and transformation of endophytic microbes to E.Coli. Plant Archives 20(2) 6895-6903. (ISSN: 2581-6063(online), ISSN: 0972-5210 
  11. Poornima Vijayan P, Debora Puglia, Biomimetic multifunctional materials: a review. Emergent materials, 2, 391–415 (2019)
  12. Poornima Vijayan P, Mariam Al-Maadeed, Self-Repairing Composites for Corrosion Protection: A Review on Recent Strategies and Evaluation Methods. Materials, 2019, 12, 2754. doi: 10.3390/ma12172754
  13. S Smitha, NJ Tharayil, Synthesis and characterization of FeO-MnO magnetic nanoparticles in vitro antioxidant and antibacterial studies, AIP Conference Proceedings 2162 (1), 020155 (2019) 
  14. PGA Krishna, NJ Tharayil, Dielectric properties of lanthanum oxide nanoparticle synthesized using chemical co-precipitation method, AIP Conference Proceedings 2162 (1), 020079 (2019)
  15. S Renjini, Pinky Abraham, T Jyothishkumar, V Anitha Kumary and P G Chithra, Graphene oxide supported palladium nanoparticle as an electrochemical sensor for epinephrine, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2162, 020071 (2019). 
  16. Pinky Abraham, S Renjini, T E Mary Nancy, V Anitha Kumary and P G Chithra, A novel voltammetric sensor for morphine detection based on electrochemically synthesized poly(P-aminobenzenesulfonicacid)/reduced graphene oxide composite, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2162, 020058 (2019).
  17. Renjini S, Pinky Abraham, Aparna S and V Anitha Kumary, Graphene palladium composite for the simultaneous electrochemical determination of epinephrine, ascorbic acid and uric acid, J. Electrochem. Soc., 166(14), B1-B9 (2019). DOI: 10.1149/2.0941914jes
  18. V Anitha Kumary, Pinky Abraham, Renjini S, B E Kumaraswamy, T E Mary Nancy and Aparna Sreevalsan, A novel catalyst based on reduced graphene oxide supported copper coordinaed aminoacid – A platform for morphine sensing, J. Electroanal. Chem., 850 (2019) 113367.
  19. Nileena C.B, NINAVUKAL, Collection of Poems in Malayalam,  Publisher : Olive publication, Kozhikode, ISBN No.: 978-93-89325-70-6 (2020)
  20. Lekshmi V S, Malayala gadyavikasavum Bailey Bibilum- The Cotyam College Atlas Mapping the hertage of Twoh Hundred years. Published by C M S College Kottaym - 2020, ISBN 978- 81- 937052 - 5 - 4, page. 11 – 113
  21. Vidya D R ‘Mahabharatha Sancharam’, Grandhalokam, 2020


  1. Lekshmi V S, Samvedanam, ISBN 978--81-945483 --1 - 7. December 2019 (Book)
  2. Remya R, Adhi Jeevanadhishtitha Swathwa Bodham: a study based on the short stories of K.R.Meera”. Thudi (Research Journal), 2019 October-December, Vol.7. Published by Dept. of Malayalam. University of Kannur. ISSN 2320-8880. Page. 271-283.
  3. Remya R, Ezhuthukarante Dharmavum Samvedanathinte Parimithikalum: A study based on the short stories of Gracy”. Thudi (Research Journal), 2019 July-September, Vol.7. Published by Dept. of Malayalam. University of Kannur. ISSN 2320- 8880. Page. 141-148.
  4. Remya R, “Bhavanayude Arikum Athirum”. Pravasa Sahithyam. Edited by Prof.V.Lissy Mathew & Dr. Nidheesh. K.P and Published by Dept. of Malayalam, Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit,Regioanl Centre,Payyanur. ISBN 978-81-941640-0-5. Page. 75-93.
  5. Remya R, “Pravasathinte Jeevitha Vyakhyanangal”. Pravasa Sahithyam. Edited by Dr.A.S.Pratheesh and Published by State Institute of Languages, TVM. ISBN 978-81- 200-4838-6. Page: 181-185.
  6. Neelima Jayadevan, KATHAYIL GURUPRABHAVAM NIRAYUMPOL, THUDI Research journal, Dept. Of Malayalam ,Kannur University 2019 Oct- Dec Vol-7 No-4,ISSN 2320-8880
  7. Neelima Jayadevan, THAKKALITHOTTATHILE JEEVITHA YATHANAKAL, PRAVASA SAHITHYAM, Editor-Dr. A S. Pratheesh, Kerala Bhasha Institute, Thiruvananthapuram (2019) ISBN987-81-200-4838-6
  8. Sekaran.S, Seed Development and Germination Studies of Two True Mangrove Species Rhizophora mucronata poir and Bruguiera cylindrical (L)Blume Trends in Biosciences 11(7) 1251-1253.:Print ISSN 0974-8431,1251-1253,February 2018  (not UGC approved)
  9. M Somaraj, N John, NJ Tharayil, S Usha, Effect of temperature on the optical and antioxidant properties of bio and organic synthesised hematite nanoparticles, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018, 360 (1), 012017 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/360/1/012017
  10. N John, M Somaraj, NJ Tharayil, Synthesis, Characterization and Anti–Bacterial Activities of SnO2 Nanoparticles Using Biological Molecule, IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 2018, 360 (1), 012007
  11. D. Devipriya. and B.L Padmasree. ‘Phytochemical Screening of Cnidoscolous chayamansa Mc Vaugh, Euphorbiaceae Leaf Extract using Various Solvents’. Trends in Biosciences. 11(7) Print: ISSN 0974-8431,1251-1253, 2018. (not UGC approved)
  12. Devipriya, D. and Anjana S Kumar. ‘Studies on Floral Character and Sex reversal in Carica papaya’ in Kong. Res. J. 5(2): 5(2): 24-26, 2018, ISSN 2349-2694   (not UGC approved)
  13. Prabhavathy C, Domestic Water Demand and Income Inequality in ISDA No. 2, Vol.28 page no, 319- 333, 2018-ISSN 0038-4046
  14. Remya R, ‘Adhikarathinte Prayogavum Samskaravum Navamadhyamangalil’. Navamadhyamangal - Sahityam, Samskaram, Rashtreeyam. Edited by Dr.M.R. Shelly & Dr.A.S. Pratheesh and Published by State Institute of Languages, TVM. ISBN 978-81-200- 4398-5. Pg. nos. 38-41(2018).
  15. Manju A, IKKISANVI SADI KE SAHITYA KI VAICHARIKI, Aadunick upaniyasome mein nari chethana “ Chack” ke paripreshy mein, 56-61(2018) ISBN 978-9388260-008
  16. Sheeba M R, ‘Chitra Mudgal Ke Kathasahitya mein Prathirodhiswar’- Jawahar Pustakalay. Sodar bazaar, Mathuro-281001. (2018) ISBN: 978-81-8111-389-4
  17. Sheeba M R, IKKISANVI SADI KE SAHITYA KI VAICHARIKI, Mamtha Kaliya Ke Upanyas-ek nayi drishti (2018) ISBN 978-9388260-008
  18. Lekshmi V S, Malayala pakshavaadiyaya A. R Rajarajavarma- Malayalam Research Journal. Vol.11 issue 3, September. December 2018
  19. Neelima Jayadevan, 'PRAVASANUBHAVAVISHKARAM ORU THAKKALI KRISHIKKARANTE SWAPNANGNGALIL ', THUDI , Research journal, Dept. of Malayalam, Kannur University Vol-6, No-4, 2018, ISSN2320-8880


  1. N John, M Somaraj, NJ Tharayil, Synthesis, Characterization and Anti-bacterial Activities of Pure and Ag-doped SnO2 Nanoparticles, Materials Today: Proceedings 4 (2), 4351-4357
  2. T. Jyothish Kumar, S. Renjini, K. Sreevalsan and V. Anitha Kumary, Electrochemical determination of paracetamol based on Graphene – TiO2 modified glassy carbon electrode, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 29, 5 (2017), 1098-1102.
  3. S.R. Archana, S. Saalin Raj, SujaMathai, M.S. Suma, Nickel entrapped K10-MMT composite incorporated Al alloy for cathodic protection, Asian Journal of Chemistry, 30 (2018) 1340-1348. 5.
  4. Sekaran.S , Arya S Raj, S. Nisha Raj and S.Paulsamy 2017 Seed development and maturation and storage studies on an Endemic tree Vateria Indica Linn” RJPBCS 8(4) 980-986
  5. Chithra P G and Vijayalekshmi V, Green synthesis characterization and Cyclic voltammetric studies of nano zinc oxide Vol 6 Issue 5, 2017 ISSN 2320-0294.
  6. Sindhu Pratap, Dynamics of Population Ageing in Kerala in AHEAD International Journal Of Recent Research Review(AIJRRR), Volume 1, Issue-17, November 2017,pp 13-24. ISSN: 24 56- 205X
  7. Aparna Das, ‘Paris Agreement and the role of Biofuels’, Southern Economist, Volume 56, Number 14, November 2017
  8. Aparna Das, ‘A Review of Biofuel Initiatives in India’, ISDA Journal Studies in Development and Public Policy, Volume 27, Number 4, December 2017
  9. Aswathy R, ‘Changing Consumption Pattern of Different MPCE Groups in India’, Quarterly Journal of the Institute For the Study of Developing Areas, ISDA Journal vol.27 Number 3, JulySeptember 2017, vol. pp 321-331.
  10. Aswathy R, ‘Consumption Pattern of Households-A Comparison Between India and Kerala’, Southern Economist, vol. 56 Number 7, 1 August 2017, pp 12-16.
  11. Manju A, Soroj Smriti ki kavyashylli: ek Vygyanick Adhyayan, 2017, ISBN 978-93-88684-15-6
  12. Lekshmi V S, Seershakamillatha kavyabhavana Sreekumaran Thampiyude kavithakalile kalpanikatha- Misbah niche of knowledge, Peer referred Multidisciplinary Research Journal, M E S College, Nedumkandam, Idukki, Book 18, Volume 18, ISSN 0976-2523, 2017.



  1. N John, NJ Tharayil, M Somaraj, Photocatalytic degradation of methyl orange using biologically enhanced tin oxide nanoparticles under UV-irradiation, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics 28 (8), 5860-5865
  2. S. Renjini, T. Jyothish Kumar, K. Sreevalsan and V. Anitha Kumary, Electrochemical Behavior of Dopamine on a glassy carbon electrode modified by Graphene Chitosan Copper Composite, Orient.J.Chem., 33(3), 1259-1264 (2017). 
  3. Lekshmi V S, Neettukalum Adhunika vidyabhyasavum - 'Thudi' Research Journal. Published by Dept. of Malayalam, Kannoor University, 2016-July -September Vol 4, Issue 3,ISSN2320 - 8880, page.47 -51
  4. Vidya D R, Adiyantharavasthayudye Kathakal Adhunikathayudye Samughya Saksheyam, 2016

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