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Induction Programme

Well begun is half done!

The formal induction programme conducted by our college at the beginning of every academic year for the first year undergraduates as well as post graduates stretches the canopy of love, care and support to encompass the new members to the family of Sree Narayana College for Women, Kollam. Our college conducts the induction programme by inviting an illustruous personality from any of the distinguished departments for a motivational/ educational talk to impart most helpful guidelines and productive suggestions to students in pursuing the subject they chose to study.

Following the formal inaugration of the programme, the students are made aware on various issues related to their academic life as well as that pertaining to college. Policies of the college in the matters of ragging, punctuality, attendance, the University's legal stands on examination malpractices, respect and obedience to parents and teachers etc are explained to them. Importance of upkeeping the beauty of the college premises, maintenance of it as a platsic-free zone, appropriate disposal of personal hygiene products, proper management of incinerators etc expected of the students are also detailed. An elaborate explanatory class is also done for the students on the Choice Based Credit and Semester System (CBCSS) and the process of continuous evaluation (CE) along with a detailed scrutiny of their respective syllabi is done at the end of every induction programme session.


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