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Department of Commerce

     The Department of commerce, Sree Narayana College for women, Kollam has an illustrious history from 1979 to the present. During this period, the department has proved is worth to be a part of this great institution by academic performance over the years .It would not be an exaggeration to say that as part of an institution of higher education striving to bring up female participation in the academic output of the state, the department has more than achieved its goals. It has elevated its scales of achievement higher than any other institution in the state. A team of devoted, academically oriented teachers and groups of properly motivated female students have made this achievement possible.

    The history of this department started in 1979 when it offered two courses-Pre degree and UGC sponsored job oriented course was started under the department ( Actuarial science) in 1997. After three batches successfully completed the course, it was discontinued in 2000 due to stoppage of funds from the UGC. Delinking of Pre Degree from colleges a state policy was effected in our college also in the year 2000. Since its inception in 1979, the department had the good luck of having eminent professors and renowned academicians at its helm whose tireless devotion and guidance have been the guiding light in its march to higher achievements. Noted academician Prof. K Anirudhan was the first head of the Department for four years and he was succeeded by equally great academicians like Prof. K Rajagopal (1983-1988) , Prof .M Bhasuran (1988-1992), Prof G.K Sharma (1992-1997), Prof. Fredi Julian (1997-1998,2002-2007), Prof.Suma Devi (1998-2000), Prof P .Ravichandan (2000-2002), Prof.G Suresh (2007-2008), Prof A Shobhana (2008-2011) and Prof A Lalitha Kumary (2011-2015).

     At present, the department is enriched by 4 regular teaching members including two Ph.D. holders and one part time lecturer in Law. The Department offers Bachelor of Commerce degree, one of the most demanded courses of the contemporary academic world. The department provides the necessary impetus for the commerce and trade with quality manpower. The students are enabled to think creatively and to develop right mind set to meet the challenges of the globalised business environment, through value based education, interpersonal relations and outreach programmes. The academic results are always outstanding and the students of the department with the incessant encouragement from the faculty members persistently excel in academic, sports and social service. The department now offers a 3 year Degree programme in Commerce (B.Com with Finance as specialisation) under CBCSS of University of Kerala and also offers a 1 year Diploma Course in Computerised Financial Accounting and 6 months Certificate course in Computerised Financial Accounting & Financial Management - the course aligned with National Skills Qualification Frame work approved by UGC and mentoring 12 weeks certificate course in "Innovation, Business model and entrepreneurship" offered by NPTEL - A project funded by MHR, Govt of India. Many alumni hold/held very high positions across Government non - government organisations in the field of administration and finance.

     We believe that our students have been well accepted in their job profiles and have consistently exceeded expectations of the corporate world. We are encouraged to see many industries coming to our department for placement, which reinforces our belief in the effectiveness of our curriculum and its suitability to the dynamic corporate world. The department trains its students in humanist traditions with emphasis on intellectual tolerance that strives to provide an innovative culture among students.




Berny B Raj

Head & Assistant Professor

Sajitha S

Assistant Professor

Nithya U S

Assistant Professor

Silpa Sasankan

Assistant Professor

Adv.Kaumudi D

Assistant Professor

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