Date: 03-28 Time: 10:59

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Dignity is one of the most fundamental things to human spirit. It implies that each person is worthy of honour and respect for what they are, what they believe in and for what they can do. Humiliating one's dignity can be very damaging to a person. Any threat to one's dignity should therefore be foresaken.Ragging involves humiliation, abuse or harassment of junior students by the seniors. It takes a sadistic form when the freshers may be subjected to psychological or physical torture.
With much care and concern for the newcomers our college has constituted a very vigilant Anti-Ragging Committee with the intention of preventing instances of ragging and ensures that the parents and new students are made aware of their rights. The Anti-Ragging Committee in their power of jurisdiction takes comprehensive measures right at the beginning of every academic year, to prevent ragging, to remind the students of the harsh consequences of ragging and to take anti-ragging measures as per the guidelines issued by the Supreme Court of India and the UGC.
With a message that each person is worthy of honour and respect, the senior students are made aware repeatedly on the necessity of treating their juniors with love and dignity.
As soon as a student joins the Institution she is made to pledge on an anti-ragging form and a countersign is obtained from her parent along with the signature of another parent as witness to assure that the student would abide by the rules put forth by our college with regard to the measures taken on anti-ragging, as long as she remains a subject of the Institution.
The hostel situated inside the campus also comes under strict scrutiny of the Anti-Ragging Committee and it ensures that the senior students learn to respect and accept their juniors beyond their cultural, religious and regional differences.


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