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Equal Opportunity Committee

The word 'equality' means the provision of adequate opportunities for all individuals without any discrimination. It also implies the absence of any special privileges to any section of the society.

The Preamble to the Indian Constitution encompasses all citizens of the country to equality of opportunity and status. It ensures that the State shall not discriminate among persons on the grounds of their religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth. It strives to achieve this through assorted provisions in the Constitution as well as through the laws and guidelines endorsed from time to time. In the subsequent context, the Constitution of India also provides for equal educational opportunities to all it's citizens.

The demographic factors clearly show that a large section of the population in our country still faces discrimination, harassment, victimisation or marginalisation. Our college following the principles of the great saint Sree Narayana Guru has always been a forerunner in ensuring that the weaker sections, minorities and disadvantaged groups of students are not left behind in the process of learning.

The Equal Opportunity Committee of the college guarantee equal treatment to all students and ensures equal opportunity in availing all permissible scholarships and facilities for disadvantaged group of students thereby attempting to address the deep-rooted inequalities present in our system. The apprehensions of not just the disadvantaged groups, but that of physically challenged students and adolescent girls as a vulnerable group is also well attended to.

Faculty members dedicate extra time and attention to those students with special needs and provide enough moral support and encouragement by conducting remedial classes for them after college hours. The Institution also assures the services of scribes for the students with special needs during University level examinations.




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