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Department of Hindi

     Hindi is an official language of the central government for communication and administrative purposes along with English. As per the constitution of India, Hindi is one of the two languages that can be used in the Parliament, other being English. Even though the College is situated in a Non - Hindi speaking State, it has been offering undergraduate course in Hindi Language and Literature since 1981. Now we are happy to inform that our department is offering Diploma course in Translation and Communicative Hindi aligned with National Skills Qualifications Framework(NSQF)UGC Approved from 2020. The broad objectives of the courses offered by the department are as follows.

    The department is enriched with five permanent faculties who are all PhD holders. They are experts in their fields of specialisation with immense exposure in presenting papers and publishing articles. The department is very active in conducting International and National seminars, webinars and conferences. The students of the department have been bringing laurels to the department by constantly bagging university ranks in all the years.

    In addition to the traditional chalk and talk method classes, special interactive classes by applying group discussions, question answer, demonstration method are arranged to encourage the students and thereby improve their learning, class seminars frequently organised by the department help the students acquire knowledge, skill and confidence. Special classes are held during the holidays of students with special attention paid to weak students. The hidden creativity of the students is manifested through the publication of Magazine 'Arpan' in the department and by Hindi Club 'NayiUmang'




Dr. Manju A

Head & Assistant Professor

Dr. Sheeba M R

Assistant Professor

Dr. Sreechithra V S

Assistant Professor

Dr. Veena J

Assistant Professor

Dr. Reshma P P

Assistant Professor

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