Date: 02-10 Time: 05:04

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Coordinator:-    Dr. Aswathy R.

Monitoring of the First Degree Programme is done by College Level Monitoring Committee . CLMC consists of Principal , the Head of the Departments and the convener who is the elected representatives of the teachers . Principal is the Chairperson of CLMC. This committee is responsible for the conduct of First degree programme, ensuring instructional days , making arrangements for ESE of various semesters. They also take up all the complaints not redressed by the DLMCs. College Union Chairperson shall be invited when any issues is taken up by the CLMC not redressed by the DLMC. College Level Monitoring Committee will be reconstituted by the Principal on commencement of each academic year. CLMC prepares and distributes semester wise programme calendar, circulates notices on changes relating to the CBCSS system, make necessary arrangements for the conduct of two sets of test papers for all the programmes in each semester, take necessary steps for implementing Open Courses for each programme during the fifth and sixth semester, takes step to allot Social service/ Extension Activity ( Club Activity) for students of 3rd and 4th semester, examine the complaints of students regarding the internal grade marks, ensure that the internal grade sheets are prepared and displayed on time and conduct regular meetings with DLMC to ensure effective implementation of the CBCSS programme.

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