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          As per the guidance of the University of Kerala, the college admits the eligible students to the various courses. The admission commences soon after the publication of Higher Secondary and Degree results. With the Principal as the Convener, a senior faculty as the co-convener, and all HODs as members, an admission committee is constituted in the college. It is mandatory that all students seeking admission to both UG and PG courses register online under the online admission portal of Kerala University. Students seeking admission under community and management seats should submit their application in the college office. Based on the merit, a rank list is prepared for both community and management quota as decided by the government regulations. The rank list for such quota is compiled by the admission committee and then displayed on the notice board. Prospective students, both on the Community merit list and waiting list, are duly intimated through registered post. In the absence of a candidate, the student who succeeds in the rank list (including waiting list) is admitted. A copy of the list is also sent to the University. On the day of the admission, students whose admissions have been confirmed are required to meet the Principal and the HOD concerned for a personal interview. No candidate is ever admitted to any of the courses without an interview held in the presence of the candidate's parent/guardian. At the time of admission the students are supposed to fill and submit a form given by the Anti-Ragging Cell.
          All the necessary documents and mark lists are verified and the candidate is admitted after the payment of fees. The college office is in possession of authentic and transparent records of the admissions to various courses under various categories. They are required to present a detailed resume to the tutor. An orientation programme is conducted by the IQAC for the fresh students and their parents.
          Regarding admissions under reservation category the institution follows the guidelines issued by the Government of Kerala. We announce in our regularly updated website the entire process of admission. In order to ensure transparency, the list of students containing three times the number of available seats under each category in the order of their index marks is exhibited on the notice board and also in the college website on the date prescribed by the University.

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