Government of India, Ministry of HRD, Department of Higher Education, New Delhi and University Grants Commission are continuously monitoring the prevention of caste based discrimination in Higher Educational institutions. The college ensures that no official / faculty members/ students indulge in any kind of discrimination against any community or category of students. CASTE BASED DISCRIMINATION PREVENTION CELL (CBDPC) is constituted in the college to prevent and solve issues of caste based discrimination. The cell aims to ensure that all students are treated as equal and attempts to ensure equity and equal opportunity to the students as a whole and bring in social inclusion. It helps to create a congenial atmosphere in the campus and for the growth of healthy interpersonal relationship among the students coming from diverse socio-cultural backgrounds. It seeks to sensitize the college on the problems of less privileged students and ensures that no student is left behind the teaching process. CBDPC aims to ensure that no student is discriminated in the name of caste and provides a platform to address their grievances frankly and thus to mitigate the diversity in the campus.
Functions of the cell
- Encouraging the SC/ST students to express their grievances frankly without any fear of being victimised
- to ensure that the grievances are registered and acknowledged promptly
- to enquire into the grievances and make recommendations
- to ensure prompt redressal of grievances.
- To deal with every grievance in a fair manner
- To recommend appropriate action if complaint is found to be valid.
The cell comprises of the Principal of the college as the chairperson and senior faculties as members. If students belonging to SC/ST category have any complaints, they can lodge the complaints to the The Tutor in charge, HOD’s or any member of CBDPC through the form given below.
Contact Club Representative
- Dr. Sandhya Suresh
- Dr. Aswathy R
- Mr. Shibu T
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