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      The Placement Cell of the college provide direction and exposure to the range of openings and job possibilities available to the students as they pass out of the college. It assist the students in appearing for job interviews and entry examinations by the private and multinational companies in India. The Cell also offers support to students through counselling and personality development initiatives. Information about various job openings across diverse sectors of the job market is provided to students through circulars at the departmental level. The Cell has effectively helped students in being employed in various organizations.

      The Placement cell also gives training to students in soft skills and positive body language. Special focus is given on preparation of resume' and imparting sound workplace etiquettes. Significance of collective work, team spirit and effective work culture, are emphasised through the training sessions. The language lab functioning inside the campus is utilised to improve the diction of the students and to aid in improving their communication skills.

       Discussions with trainers and recruiter firms are organised to make the students aware of skill sets to be attained for employment, as demanded by the present job market. Students are also prepared to acquire these employability skills. Additionally, the entrepreneurial skills of students are fostered through the activities of the entrepreneurial club of our college.

      TA considerable number of our students are placed in different organizations across the state every year, through in-campus and off-campus placement programmes. A sizeable number of our former students have also taken up self - employment actualising their entrepreneurial traits. The training imparted by our college has enabled them to face the challenges of the outside world confidently and completely.

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