Planning Forum

Aim :- The planning forum is an academic platform for the students to ensure enrichment of knowledge in the field of Economics. It aims to encourage students to exchange ideas on socio economic issues and to update themselves with the latest developments in policy analysis. The motto of planning forum is "to raise standards in education and beyond" so that students are sufficiently equipped to develop an independent opinion on matters that concern the current society, polity and economy. The forum aims to attain the holistic development of personality with the underlying agenda of building up of a career oriented and progressive minded students without sacrificing their moral values.
Nature of activities of Planning Forum
- The forum organizes special lectures, socio economic surveys, field visits, interactive sessions, observance of days of social importance, elocutions, debates, discussions, quiz contests etc.
- To create a platform for dialogue and discussion on a wide range of socio economic issues to stimulate the minds of the students and to promote better understanding of various issues among them.
Activities of Planning Forum (2019-20)
- The activities of the planning forum for the year 2019-20 was inaugurated on 22 November 2019 at 10 am in the college seminar hall by Dr M Jayaprakas, Former Director, College Development Council, University of Kerala . He made an emphatic presentation on the topic "Slowing down of Indian Economy- Some Reflections".He gave a vivid account of the boom and its aftermath, wilted outcomes since 2014-15 and policy suggestions to outgrow the crisis.
- The Planning Forum in association with the Dept of Economics conducted the55th AD Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition for degree students of the college on 2-09-2019. The competition was sponsored by the Forum of free enterprises, a Mumbai based trust.
- An invited lecture on Research Methodology was organised by the Planning Forum 13-01-2020 . The workshop was customised for the final year students of social sciences in order to familiarise them with the basics of social science research
- The Planning Forum organised a career orientation programme for the students to give an exposure to academic and non academic activities and also to create an awareness of career options to the students of Economics on 23-01-2020. Ms Reshma Rajeevan, IES shared her tips with the students on how to carve a niche in Indian Economic Service.
- An invited lecture on Recent Developments in Indian Financial System was conducted under the auspices of the Planning Forum on 15-02-2020 by Mr Roberse Thomas, Assistant Professor in Economics, St Thomas College Pala.
- Under the auspices of the Planning Forum, several topics of current social and economic relevance were discussed under the banner of the debate club of the Economics dept "CROSS FIRE".The first topic debated was Mobile phone usage among the youth today-Pros and cons.The second topic debated was Implications of CAA and NRC-Pros and Crons.
Contact Club Representative
- Dr. Sindhu Pratap
- Dr Aswathy R
- Dr. Aparna Das
- Smt. Parvathy AV
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