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Given below are some of the important scholarship schemes which may benefit the students of this college. These scholarships have been initiated by Central and State government, University, College etc.

Directorate of Collegiate Education (DCE) Scholarships, Government of Kerala

  1. Kerala State Higher Education Council Scholarship (HECS)
    First Year Degree students of Science, Humanities, Social Sciences and Business Studies can apply for this scholarship. Applications should be submitted directly in the weblink The minimum qualification for ST students is all pass. For SC students 55 to 60 percent as per the concerned subjects. For Physically Challenged students 45 percent. For BPL/ OBC categories 55 to 65 percent and for General category 60 to 75 percent. The scholarship amount is Rs 12000 for first year, Rs 18000 for the second year and Rs 24000 for the third year. If the student goes for PG, the amount is Rs 40000 for the first year and Rs 60000 for the second year.
    For details refer the website
  2. State Merit Scholarship (SMS)
    First Year UG and PG students who have scored 50 percent or above for the qualifying examination can apply for this scholarship. Family annual income should not exceed Rs 1 Lakh. The amount for graduate students is Rs 1250 per annum and for post graduate students is Rs 1500 per annum.
    For details refer the website
  3. Merit Scholarship to the Children of School Teachers (MSCT)
    First year UG students who are children of primary and secondary school teachers can avail this scholarship of an amount of Rs 50 per month.
    For details refer the website
  4. Hindi Scholarship (HS)
    First year UG and PG students who have taken Hindi as a sub subject in UG and main subject in PG are eligible to apply. The scholarship amount is Rs 500 per month for UG students and Rs 1000 per month for PG students.
    For details refer the website
  5. Muslim Nadar Girls Scholarship (MNS)
    First year UG girl students belonging to BPL family and backward community are eligible to apply for this scholarship which amounts to Rs 125 per annum.
    For details refer the website
  6. Sanskrit Scholarship (SSE)
    First year UG and PG students who are studying Sanskrit as main or sub subject can apply for this scholarship amounting to Rs 200 per month for UG and PG students.
    For details refer the website
  7. Suvarna Jubilee Merit Scholarship (SJMS)
    First year UG and PG students belonging to BPL family and having scored 50 percent or above in the qualifying examination can apply for this scholarship amounting to Rs 10000 per annum.
    For details refer the website
  8. Blind/PH Scholarship (BPHFC)
    Blind/ PH/Deaf students of UG and PG courses can apply for this scholarship. Financial support to blind students with family income below Rs 2.5 lakhs by way of meeting fee charges. Hostel charges for all PH students who are hostellers and whose family annual income is below Rs. 4.5 lakhs and Boarding charges for all PH students who are day scholars and whose family annual income is below Rs. 4.5 lakhs
    For details refer the website
  9. ASPIRE scholarship for PG programmes
    Meritorious students of PG courses are given Rs 8000 per month for pursuing short term internships/ projects undertaken within the state and Rs 10000 per month for undertaking projects outside the state. The scholarship will be provided for a period of one month.
    For details refer the website
  10. C.H. Muhammedkoya Scholarship (CHMS)
    Girl students of UG and PG courses belonging to Muslim, Latin and Converted Christian community of Kerala are eligible to apply. They should have scored 50 percent or above for the qualifying examination and the annual family income of parents should not exceed Rs 8 lakhs. The scholarship amount is Rs 5000 pa for UG students and Rs 6000 per annum for PG students.
    For details refer the website:
  11. Prof. Joseph Mundassery Scholarship (PJMS)
    Meritorious students of Muslim, Christian, Sikkh, Buddist, Parsis and Jains community who are studying for BA/BSc/B.Com in Arts/science colleges are eligible to apply for this. A cash award of Rs15000 is given to outgoing students who scores 80 percent and above in the UG final year examination and 75 percent above in the PG final year examination.
    For details refer the website
  12. Kerala University Merit Scholarship
    Meritorious students of UG and PG who have scored not less than 60 percent marks in their qualifying examinations are eligible to apply. The scholarship amount is Rs 2500 per annum for 3 years for UG students and Rs 3000 per annum for 2 years for PG students.
    For details refer the website
  13. Student Aid Fund (SAF) Scholarships from Kerala University Union
    Scholarship given to UG and PG students whose parents' annual income does not exceed Rs 1 lakh per annum. The scholarship amount for UG students is Rs 2000 per annum for 3 years and for PG students the amount is Rs 3000 per annum for 2 years.
    For details refer the website
  14. SNEHAPOORVAM scholarship of Kerala Social Security Mission
    Scholarship given to students whose parents have passed away and are living with their relatives, friends or with the help and support of the community. The amount of the scholarship is Rs 10000 per annum for 3 years for UG students and same amount for PG students for 2 years.
    For details refer the website
  15. VIDYASAMUNNATHI Scholarship
    Educational Scholarship given to UG and PG students who belong to economically backward forward communities. The scholarship amount is Rs 5000 per year for UG students and Rs 6000 per year for PG students.
    For details refer the website
  16. Kerala State Backward Classes Development Corporation (KSBCDC) Scholarship
    Scholarship given to economically backward OBC students whose parents' annual income should not exceed Rs 120000. The amount of the scholarship is Rs 5000 per annum for UG students for 3 years and the same for PG students for 2 years.
    For details refer the website
  17. PRATHIBHA Scholarship (KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala)
    The scholarship aims to motivate bright students to pursue higher studies in basic and natural sciences. It also gives Pratibha scholars opportunities to attend Science orientation programmes in reputed research laboratories and also to interact with pioneers in the field of science.
    The scholarship is given to meritorious students of BSc Botany, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology who have scored a minimum of 90 percent marks or equivalent grade for all subjects put together and a minimum of 90 percent for all science subjects put together. For SC/ST category the marks are fixed at 80 percent or above. The students can avail the scholarship for all years of UG and can also continue the same for PG.
    For details refer the website
  18. INSPIRE Scholarship (DST, Govt. of India)
    Scholarship for Higher Education (SHE) is a component scheme under Innovation in Science Pursuit for Inspired Research (INSPIRE), which is a flagship programme of the Department of Science and Technology (DST), under the Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India. It aims to engage young talents for the study of Science and Technology and pursue research as a career and to augment youth to undertake higher education in Science intensive courses by providing scholarships to deserving students.
    Under this scheme SHE, 12,000 scholarships (From SHE-2017 onwards), each valued at Rs. 80,000/- are announced annually for students pursuing Bachelors and Masters level courses in Basic and Natural Sciences . Meritorious Students with aggregate marks within top 1% of their Class XII examination of any State/ Central Board in India are eligible. In addition, the student must be pursuing courses in Natural and Basic Sciences at the BSc, BS, and Int.MSc/MS level. Also those students who have secured ranks in the JEE of IIT, AIPMT (within top 10000 ranks), and are presently pursuing Natural and Basic Science courses in India at the BSc, BS, Int. MSc/MS level.
    For details refer the website
  19. PG Merit Scholarship For University Rank Holders
    Scholarship given to UG rank holders in order to pursue their PG. The university should issue rank certificates to the toppers of the university in B.A., B.Sc., and B.Com.
    For details refer the website
  20. PG Indira Gandhi Scholarship for Single Girl Child
    Any single girl child, being the only child of her parents, is eligible to apply for the PG scholarship scheme during the first year of her admission to PG. The age of the girl student should not exceed 30 years at the time of admission. The scholarship amount is Rs. 2,000/- per month for a period of two years only (10 months in the year) i.e. full duration of a PG course.
    For details refer the website
  21. Post Metric Scholarship (PMS)
    Scholarship given to students belonging to economically weaker sections of minority community (Muslims & Christians). The student must have secured 50% or equivalent grade in the previous final examination and the annual income of the parents/guardian from all sources should not exceed Rs. 2 lakhs. The scholarship amount is Rs. 3000 per annum for UG and PG students and maintenance allowance of Rs. 570/- per month for Hostellers & Rs. 300/- per month for Day Scholars.
    For details refer the website
  22. Central Sector Scholarship (CSS)
    For availing this scholarship the applicant should have passed the Senior School Certificate Examination conducted by CBSE by securing a total aggregate mark of 418/500 in Science, 396/500 in Commerce and 332/500 in other subjects (for all categories: SC/ST/OBC/UR). Annual income of the parents/guardian from all sources should not exceed Rs. 4.50 lakhs. The Scholarship Amount is Rs 1000/- per month for UG and Rs 2000 per month for PG students.
    For details refer the website
  23. Post Metric Scholarships for Students with Disabilities (PMSD)
    The Scholarship provides financial assistance to the parents of students with disabilities for studying in post-matric level. The financial assistance includes scholarship, book grant, escort/reader allowance, etc. Selection of the beneficiaries under these two scholarship schemes is on the basis of merit.
    For details refer the website



E-grantz is web based solutions for the timely disbursement of educational assistance to all eligible students of UG, PG and PhD level.
For details refer the website


The different categories of educational grants/concessions under this scheme are given below:
  1. Educational concession to the students belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Eligible Communities including Kudumbies and Converts
    For degree students a lump-sum grant of Rs. 950, stipend of Rs. 600/- per month for students who come from places beyond 8 kms and Rs.530 per month for students who live within 8 km. For PG students a lump-sum grant Rs. 675 and stipend the same as above. All students eligible for concession should apply in the prescribed forms with necessary documents within one month of their admission to the college.
  2. Educational concession to Socially and Educationally Backward Communities under KPCR
    Full fee concession for Degree students and full fee concession, lump-sum grant and stipend for P.G. Students. The income limit is Rs. 25,000/- per annum (Degree) Rs. 42,000/- per annum (P.G.) Applications are to be submitted within two months from the date of admission.
  3. Educational Concession to the Forward Communities under KPCR
    Full fee concession for Degree and P.G. students. The income limit is Rs. 25,000/- per annum (Degree). Rs. 42,000/- per annum (PG)
  4. Grants for FISHERMAN's Child (Fisherman Scholarship)
    An amount of Rs. 400- per annum , subject to the date of enrollment. Students of all classes belonging to fishermen community irrespective of income limit are eligible to apply. The application forms are available at the office of the Regional Deputy Director of Fisheries, Kollam. The amount is Rs 400 per annum, subject to the date of enrollment.
    For details refer the website

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