Date: 03-29 Time: 07:33

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Our Best Practices

The teaching-learning landscape has undergone a radical transformation in the last two decades. New techniques and technologies have resulted in a paradigm shift in the educational sector, which in turn has extended the classroom borders. Our institution strives to pursue impeccable quality and standards of excellence in academics, research, administration and extension services. It has become the need of hour to cope with the changing dimensions and means of higher education and to sustain in the tide of globalization. While keeping in pace with the new trends and tendencies in higher education scenario, it is vitally important to inculcate a moral base in our students. With this objective, our college has been pursuing many best practices and activities that helps to boost the humanitarian, environmental and egalitarian values among students.

Best practices add value to human life and impart opportunities to the students and staff to perform their social responsibility. Our college is devoted to moulding and empowering our student community who hail from varied backgrounds ranging from disadvantaged sections to affluent ones. We are committed to ensure equity in access to higher education. Our institution is not only sensitive towards the needs of the students belonging to the economically weaker sections of the society but also inspire the students to engage in strengthening ties with the community by identifying and supporting the needy ones. We strongly believe in taking teaching beyond the books and strive hard to inculcate a sense of social responsibility in our students. Our college considers it as our foremost duty to identify the societal issues and devise methods to solve them with the support of our staff and students. Our institution has come up with certain initiatives and schemes such as "Karuna" and "Amrutha Varshini" to identify the most deprived, needy and poor and paving the way for them to march ahead in life. The salient Best practices pursued by our institute are as follows:



Music interventions have been shown to be a potential therapeutic method for many medical conditions. Cancer patients and persons with disability or other chronic health issues often suffer from anxiety and depression. Music therapy is often used as a non-invasive method to reduce anxiety and depression.


As an extension activity, the Department of Music regularly conducts workshops and lecture demonstrations for music enthusiasts in the community. We have an enthusiastic student community attending the sessions which comprises of home makers, women entrepreneurs and students from other institutions. During the lockdown period, classes were conducted online and now we have a burgeoning student strength with NRI candidates as well.



Our college is committed to creating a Plastic Free Campus and strives towards the long-term elimination of plastic usage in campus. Students are encouraged to bring lunch in steel tiffin boxes and water in steel bottles

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