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Retired Teachers’ Association

About Us

The Association of Retired Teachers is an organisation formed in 2004 to provide a forum for the retired teachers to meet and interact with one another. A teacher who has served the institution during any period of service is entitled to become a member. The retired members felt a great need to meet their friends and continue to keep some contact with the college where they had spent the major part of their life .The idea of the formation of an association which would realise the dreams of the retired teachers was put forward by the Former Principal Prof.N Sathi. Under her guidance a team of teachers including Prof M. R Saraswati and Prof. S Sulabha took the initiative in forming the association which came into being with the first meeting held on 2004.

The Principal of the college is the patron of the Association. The Association functions under the guidance of the President and the Vice President who are elected in the General body meeting held in January every year. The Secretary, Joint Secretary and Treasurer are also elected to carry out the day to day activities of the Association. The Executive Committee of 25 members and an Advisory Committee of retired Principals are there to help the smooth functioning of the Association.

Our Meetings

The executive committee is held in the college on the first Saturday of every month. The association mainly concerns itself with the well-being and the promotion of the interests of the members. It includes "Sneha Sangamams" once in three or four months. Members come together and share their joys and sorrows. Their children and grandchildren also participate in the meetings providing colour and air of festivity to the occasions.

A minimum of two picnics are conducted every year and the members enjoy the relaxation and amusement they provide. Two landmark celebrations of the association are Onam, Christmas and New year. Onam is celebrated in the traditional manner with the coming of Mahabali giving of Onappudava, Onappattu and Onasadya. Cake and wine is an unavoidable part of our Christmas - New year feast.

Our Activity Log

It is our duty to acknowledge the assistance given to the association by the former principals and the present principal Dr Nisha J Tharayil. Ever since its inception in 2004 we have received liberal help from the principals who were in office. The present principal Dr Nisha J. Tharayil gives us unstinted support. She permits us to use the halls in the college for various programs. She attends the monthly executive meetings and offers advice and support and without her help the functioning of the association would have been difficult. We thankfully acknowledge our debt of gratitude to the patron and the teaching and non-teaching staffs of the college.

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