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Sl. No.
29 January 2021
Webinar on Importance of Decentralized Planning in Local Development
Sri Hussain M Minnath, Director Kerala State Planning Board was the resource person for the webinar and the students got a very insightful session on the decentralised planning and local development.
29 January 2021
Webinar on Importance of Decentralized Planning in Local Development
Sri Hussain M Minnath, Director Kerala State Planning Board was the resource person for the webinar and the students got a very insightful session on the decentralised planning and local development.
20 February 2020
Debate- Cross fire
The first topic debated was Mobile phone usage among the youth today-Pros and cons.The second topic debated was Implications of CAA and NRC-Pros and Cons.
15 February 2020
An invited lecture on Recent Developments in Indian Financial System
By Mr Roberse Thomas, Assistant Professor in Economics, St Thomas College Pala
23 January 2020
Career Orientation Programme- Meet and Talk with the topper
 The Planning Forum organised a career orientation programme for the students to give an exposure to academic and non academic activities and also to create an awareness of career options to the students of Economics on 23-01-2020. Ms Reshma Rajeevan, IES shared her tips with the students on how to carve a niche in Indian Economic Service.
13 January 2020
An invited lecture on Research Methodology
The workshop was customised for the final year students of social sciences in order to familiarise them with the basics of social science research. Dr Lekshmi L, Assistant Professor in Economics, Government College Attingal was the resource person
55th AD Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition
The competition was sponsored by the Forum of free enterprises, a Mumbai based trust
22 November 2019
Invited talk- Slowing down of Indian Economy- Some Reflections
Dr M Jayaprakas, Former Director, College Development Council, University of Kerala gave a vivid account of the boom and its aftermath, wilted outcomes since 2014-15 and policy suggestions to outgrow the crisis.
6 February 2019
Workshop on Thesis writing skills
The workshop was customised for the final year students of social sciences so as to familiariase them with the basics of social science research like how to develop a research , research objectives and research design, how to grasp the basic nuances of data collection and interpretation and finally come up confidently with all the skill sets needed for the final presentation of the project in their end semester.The workshop was led by Mr Roberse Thomas, Asst Professor in Economics, St Thomas College, Pala.
13 September 2018
53rd AD Shroff Memorial Elocution Competition
The competition was sponsored by the Forum of free enterprises, a Mumbai based trust. 13 students from various departments participated in the competition. Dr Leela Mary Koshy, Former HOD and Prof in English, St Joseph’s College Alappuzha, Smt Sheela Santhosh, Freelance journalist and Smt Aparna S, Asst Professor, Dept of Economics S N College Kollam were the panalists. The topics were DIGITIZATION- The way Forward, IMPORTANCE OF INFRASTRUCTURE IN ECONOMY, ETHICS IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY and ROLE OF YOUTH IN BUILDING A NEW INDIA
19 September 2018
Orientation Class- Indian Civil Services- A conquest worth the Challenge
Mr Nijo Varghese, IIS (Deputy Director, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, New Delhi). He gave an inspiring speech on Indian Civil Services- A conquest worth the Challenge” . A general guidance was given to the students on how to handle civil service exam through proper time management and intelligent preparation.He opined that a number of myths surround the civil service exams and highlighted that civil service though a hard nut to crack is not an unattainable one.
12 January 2018
Invited lecture on Research Methodology
The workshop was customised for the final year students of social sciences in order to familiarise them with the basics of social science research. Dr Kumar S P, Asst Professor in Economics, S N College, Chemphazhanthy was the resource person.
2 November 2017
Invited Talk- Environmental hazards of Solid Waste and its Management
Dr S Jayasree, HOD, Dept of Economics, S N College, Kollam gave a vivid account of the disastrous economic and social consequences of solid waste disposal and the need to create consciousness among the society regarding the hazards of solid waste disposal. She also elaborated on some effective measures for management of solid waste in Kollam Corporation
11 November 2016
Regional Seminar- Demonetisation and its impact
The keynote speaker of the seminar was Sri. Vincent Vijayan, Assistant Professor in Economics, Sree Narayana College, Kollam. The students had a very interactive session with the speaker and were involved in active discussions.
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